Darjeeling New Seasons Teas Just Arrived


Pine Tea and Coffee

Darjeeling New Seasons Teas Just Arrived

Do you like the sweet and fragrant taste of a good Indian Darjeeling Tea?
Our new seasons Darjeeling Teas have just arrived, they are late this year as the season has been hard to pick for best quality leaf teas. 
As a premium leaf tea supplier we taste all our teas from the auction tea samples we receive weekly in the tea growing season. Our first flush Castleton FTGFOP1(SPL)CH is a DJ15 and our premium second flush Balasun FTGFOP1 CH MUSK is a DJ146. 
We also have many more newly arrived North Indian Assam teas from estates such as Doomni, Deejoo, Suntok, Dikom, Duflating, Lukwah and Kenduguri to name a few, great if you prefer a stronger cup of tea. 
With grades such as BOP, GBOP, TGBOP, FBOP, TFBOP CLONAL, GFBOP, STGFOP1 (S), TGFOP1 (CLONAL), TGFOP we have all the best tea grades from small leaf(BOP) to large leaf(OP), muscatal and tippy.
Please call us or visit our factory outlet in Castle Hill to discuss your perfect cup of tea because we know good leaf makes good tea.  https://bit.ly/2qvIgjF
Tea drinkers are simply more creative people®

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